Gymcastic: The Gymnastics Podcast

Logistical Sweating and the Emma Spence Interview



Emma Spence Interview Tokyo Olympic alternate, Emma Spence, represented Canada at the 2022 World Championships and Commonwealth Games winning bronze in the team event at both competitions. The World bronze was the Canadian women's first team medal ever. Emma is currently a gymnast at Nebraska while serving on the FIG Safeguarding Working Group. We discussed: Traveling on a pre-G7 peace mission with other gymnasts and FIG President Watanabe to Japan. And of course, cultural goofs. Which parties are the best;  elite or college. Simultaneously competing for a world medal and speaking at the first ever FIG Safeguarding Symposium at Liverpool Worlds. Yes, literally on the same day. The current state of Gymnastics Canada under investigation for abuse. All the culture shock competing at Nebraska; including wild things Americans have said to her international college athlete group. Having to get ultrasounds at Nebraska to make sure her spleen was safe to return to training before Worlds. Why a coach had to come ou