Gymcastic: The Gymnastics Podcast

Winter Cup 2023



Winter Cup This was the year the women truly understood the meaning of Winter Cup: Falling We discuss Lexi Zeiss going full Ellie Black on this meet, the importance of being Nola Matthews, and our breakout stars—and breakout comedians—of the women's senior session (with some Cottbus thrown in for luck) Whose floor routines escaped THE WRATH OF DONATELLA? Not many. But a couple. Like, exactly 2. One, Two. Then we send some overdone choreographic gestures to a farm upstate. The broadcast: why NBC is actually...getting better? Plus, some gymnerd deep cut YouTube assignments, and that time Yul Moldauer went "ALTERNATE THIS" all over the men's competition. NCAA Week 8 Headlines Standing full alert! An update on the 10s record chase, and we answer the question: Why does Jade Carey have nine 10s while Jordan Chiles has four? Oklahoma set a program record and an all-time NQS record this week Dear the equipment, um...are you OK? Feedback on SABOTAGE and the importance of HBCUs in gymnastics We had a rare, mythic 10