Gymcastic: The Gymnastics Podcast

What the F Is Artistry



Headlines Larisa Latynina has a previously undiscovered worlds medal that ties her with Simone on the all-time medal list! Constant vigilance news about the volunteer assistant coach at Southern Utah Gymternet News It's the Paris Challenge Cup this weekend! We discuss Why are so many more gymnasts going to Paris than to Szombathely or Mersin, and is it because of The Devil Wears Prada? The highly anticipated return of Melanie De Jesus Dos Santos. What should we expect? The pre-worlds showdown between the Brazilians and the US Will Jade Carey upgrade her floor tumbling? And much more! Artistry Code Class The beam and floor Artistry Checklists explained. Why you're supposed to party like it's 1979 Sideways movements and close-to-beam choreography What kinds of fake choreography aren't good enough, how many body parts have to touch the beam to count, and what counts as a body part A deep discussion of fairy dust and whether the distribution of the aforementioned fairy dust can be legally classified as