Gymcastic: The Gymnastics Podcast

Nile Wilson Interview plus Winter Cup Preview



Winter Cup Women's Preview We preview this weekend's Winter Cup women's competition: what team selection is at stake, which gymnasts we're most looking forward to seeing compete under the 2024 code, what new seniors might shake things up, and a rule change for junior vaulting. Nile Wilson Interview Nile's second book: My Story, tackles his struggles with gambling, addiction, depression and anxiety; how he found help and what he thinks can be done to prevent the suffering he endured in the future; why he left the club he had grown up in; why he spoke out against British Gymnastics; his plan to value athletes, literally, by helping them earn what they are worth in the sport's marketplace; owning his own gym and why he loves adult gymnastics. Winter Cup Men's Preview Jessica and Kensley discuss who's competing, the senior debut of junior legend, Asher Hong; who's retired or injured or busy, the requisite drama around national team and selection procedures and funded spots, and BUM BUM BUM forbidden headphon