Gymcastic: The Gymnastics Podcast

Masterful, Exceptional, Perfection



Important Updates We discuss the Peggy Liddick suspension (read the full tribunal decision here), Konnor McClain's allegations against her former coach and the Game Over Commission's final recommendations. College Gym Update A midterm report card: Thoughts, reflections and lessons learned so far in the college gymnastics season, 10s, and these broken live scoring pages Without a real choreographer, are pose-a-thon teams denying gymnasts a chance to go viral and therefore maximize their NIL profit potential? 10.000S FOR EVERYBODY. We discuss the weekend of 11 perfect scores in college gymnastics and to devise a plan to differentiate between ideal and simply not-a-deduction Anyone who's anyone got a 39.825 in the all-around, and we take on a new routine that we need to fix to make it a 10. Michigan's historic score, and what other teams would need to do to reach that level We desperately try to make SABOTAGE happen Plus, history made in men's college gymnastics while Reyna Guggino  (VT, Michigan) got the s