Gymcastic: The Gymnastics Podcast

A Quitter's Try - The CNN Parkettes Documentary



This episode has been commissioned by Club Gym Nerd member Taylor, Princess of Sexy Data, who requested a deep dive into the infamous CNN Parkettes documentary, Achieving the Perfect 10, that we can all quote by heart. We discuss Background What's the deal with Parkettes? The legacy of this piece Jessica's experience going to the Parkettes camp as a youth (!) Why we think Parkettes agreed to this Part 1: A 7-year-old with a broken ankle TOPs testing gives Spencer a panic attack How NOT to sound like a creeper when talking about a 7-year-old Everyone says "suck it up" 100,000 times because healthy We root for everyone to quit and go to a pool party Part 2: Get confident, stupid Demeaning people definitely makes them more confident The Mrs hates everyone, especially gymnasts, and teenagers, and you Jessica is still fawning over Nicole Harris to this day Part 3: Annie, are you OK? "Do you just think it's more important to have bobbles so people will give you attentions?" Why we're obsessed with deadpa