Gymcastic: The Gymnastics Podcast

195: Feedback and MAG Rio Test Event with Coach Rick



In the News This week we are so happy to have Canadian, coach, brevet judge (inactive) and the most interesting gymnastics man in the world, Coach Rick Skype-ing in from Brazil with  Jessica, and Uncle Tim to chat about: The men's competition at the Rio Test Event including Germany, Ukraine and Coach Rick's homeland, Canada. Reports after the test event said there were serious safety issues, what does Coach Rick think Rio needs to do to prepare (11:50).  Cultural bias, American expectations and safety in developing countries; Podrão, Rio bridge collapse, the 1997 Maccabiah Games bridge collapsed and subsequent convictions.  Listener Nicholas suggests bringing limited compulsories back as part of the team score to balance out the big D's.  Gymternet News Our weekly roundup of the latest news stories from around the gymternet include (27:00): USA Gymnastics's docu-series Made in America review and preview of next week's episode. Who was invited but didn't give an interview Trinidad & Tobago update fo