Gymcastic: The Gymnastics Podcast

167: Romanian and Italian Nationals



  WHAT: Elevate of The Stage:  Xcel, J.O., with Auburn vs. Alabama dual meet finale WHEN: January 16-17, 2016 WHERE: Legacy Arena at the BJCC in Birmingham, Alabama SPECIALNESS: It's on podium and the college coaches will watch the top levels on Saturday night. TWO PRIZES: $250 off of a gym's registration (20 or more gymnasts) to compete in the JO meet and no team Fees. Four VIP passes to watch the college meet on the floor, access to hospitality and four free t-shirts. ***With this, the winner will have to be someone 18 or older because recruitable gymnasts can't be on the floor during college meet competition (blame the NCAA rules). HOW TO ENTER: Like us on Facebook Send us an email with the subject line “Elevate the Stage” to DEADLINE: Sunday, October 18th More details on the Elevate the Stage podium meet here. In the news, Jessica, Lauren Hopkins, and Uncle Tim chat about: Ages and height of the US women's Olympic teams since 1972 Why Russian gymnastics fans are the best! Who's