Gymcastic: The Gymnastics Podcast

109: The Official Unofficial Podcast of BBC One's Tumble



The official unofficial podcast of BBC One's new show, Tumble.  This week Jessica and Emma chat about BBC One's brand new show, Tumble: The alleged romance between world champion, Kristin Allen and the Teen Wolf,  Bobby Lockwood. Emma watched the show live and gives us all the details from inside the studio. Craig Heap dissing Louis Smith! Lucy Mecklenburgh vs. John Patridge -- ummm, yeah. Hater reviews and if they are valid or not. Background on the gymnastics and acrobatic stars featured on the show. The 60 and 50 year-old celebrities who are learning adult gymnastics. How to find an adult gymnastics program near you! Natalia Ilienko, the 1981 Floor Exercise World Champion, coaching Sarah Harding. If this is the best thing that ever happened to gymnastics or not. Hint, it is!     Louis Smith will be our very first GymCastic Book Club guest in August. What: Read the book and submit questions about it for Louis. How: Buy the book here, send your questions to us at  gymcastic @ or leave a voicema