Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

Overcoming Internal Obstacles for Effective Leadership | E160



In this thought-provoking episode of Leadership is Feminine, host Kris Plachy dives deep into how we view and face leadership challenges within ourselves. Instead of assigning blame to external influences or people, Kris encourages us to turn inward and explore how our own behaviors, attitudes, and thoughts inform the way we lead. She shares from her list of 30 truths, derived from years of working closely with female entrepreneurs. As she goes through each statement, Kris urges listeners to reflect and ponder on their truthfulness and examine the parallels between personal habits and management styles, handling 'difficult' people, the importance of understanding your business's numbers, and so on. Wherever you find yourself, Kris assures that it's okay to feel uncomfortable, upset or even disagree with some of her insights. In fact, it may just be the signal indicating there's something to explore further. As leaders, the ability to objectively assess oneself, one's team, and the business needs is invaluable