
410: Embracing Ahimsa | The First Step in Our Yamas Series



This episode is Part 1 of our 10-part Yoga philosophy series where we dip our toes into the Yogic philosophies, starting with the Yamas and Niyamas. You'll realise that Yoga is so much more than just a downward-facing dog. Learn more about our Yoga Teacher Training program over here.This is what we spoke about during the episodeYamas are the first limb of Yoga. Nishala Joy Devi, an amazing author and Yoga Teacher, translates the Yamas as practices that uncover our true nature.Yamas are often described as the "don'ts".Ahimsa, the first Yama, is often translated as non-violence. How can you show up with more love, with more kindness, not only for others, but also for yourself?Nishala Joy Devi translates Ahimsa as embracing, revenance, and love for all. We experience oneness. With love and kindness, we then experience a connection.Listen to our Chakra series: 353: Joy, Pleasure and the Sacral Chakra, 354: Confidence, self-esteem and the Solar Plexus Chakra, 355: Kindness, love, compassion and the Heart Chak