Being Well With Lauren

Episode 159 Being well with Lauren



Cut the BS already- Be happy today    Episode 159 Being well with Lauren   Day three MindBody Cleanse -  The path of the present By Lauren Ostrowski Fenton   Now take a moment to look down the mountain of your life...From your vantage point of objectivity what can you see? Thats right you can see the animals, houses, and paths. They  look smaller from up here on the mountain of perspective don't they? When we start to have perspective we start to light our way with the first lcandle of wisdom and enlightenment. Have you ever asked yourself know why they call it enlightenment? Because it is about lightening your emotional load so that you can focus on what counts.   So what can we take out of our back back today? Anything which does not belong in the present. Take the past out. Remember when can we feel? We can only feel in the now and who does the feeling?- yes that's right - we do. And likewise we choose which feeling to pack into our backpack of now and which feelings to discard. If we have too many feeling