Being Well With Lauren

Episode 158 Being well with Lauren



Day two MindBody Cleanse -  The path of forgiveness By Lauren Ostrowski Fenton   Episode 158 Being well with Lauren   Stop being loyal to your  suffering  and let it go Day 2 Forgiveness ( of 14 day MindBody cleanse)   Well how did you go with day One? What did you learn? Don't forget that this is about giving up your teddy of past patterns and reforming new ones...and that is no easy process but you can do this. Today we examine forgiveness.   Why have I chosen to explore forgiveness so early in the Mind body course? Because all change, all healing, all cleansing starts with empathy compassion and forgiveness. This is not about trotting out a ‘that's ok’ towards past memories and people this is about soul searching, meditation and self-inquiring in order that you physically and mindfully forgive everything which has occurred in the past- kind of like cleaning out a fridge...all the food with an expiry date is gone thrown out finished. You can do this. So roll up your sleeves and let's get forgiving.   What i