Being Well With Lauren

Episode 92 Being well with Lauren



I read from my book softly  - Daily Rituals for Happiness Do you want to feel happy every single day? Written by Lauren Ostrowski Fenton, Daily Rituals for Happiness is a user-friendly guidebook that teaches readers a step-by-step technique for experiencing happiness every single day. Focusing on ritual as the key to happiness, the book details the significance of these simple yet powerful practices and explores how they help instil a sense of self through reinforcing values, affirming connections to the community, and supporting wellbeing. Through insightful exercises in each chapter, readers are encouraged to develop self-awareness and create their own rituals, with an emphasis on feeling sensations of comfort, experiencing meaningful engagement, and embracing the rewards which come with planning and achieving realistic goals.“come with planning and achieving realistic goals. The book provides support and encouragement for those who feel lost, lack motivation, and are searching for a straightforward and sus