Being Well With Lauren

Episode 69 Being well with Lauren



Episode 69 The keys to feeling happy. When life is hard you decide to feel happy. No I am not saying that it is an easy process to feel happy but it is a practice. And like any other practice it requires application, repetition and self belief. Learn to feel explore reflect upon the many happy moments of life. Lets Practice, notice and develop our skills in happiness. Learn to empathise with others and feel compassion and you will feel happy every day. It all starts now right now in this moment. Thanks for listening. Lauren AKA The whispering mother   My name is Lauren. I am a writer, life coach, meditation/yoga teacher, & proud mum of four. I make videos, podcasts, blogs and write books about happiness, yoga, fitness, meditation, & wellbeing.   Love Lauren AKA the Whispering Mother   Please take a moment to support me at and make this show possible.   Book a life coaching session here: