Being Well With Lauren

Episode 48 Being well with Lauren



Episode 48 Manifest infinite possibility and create yourself. You are an empowered soul.   ‘How people treat you is their karma how you react is yours’ Wayne Dyer   How are people treating you? How are you being treated? How do you ‘feel’ about the way you are being treated? Are your feelings affecting your happiness? Are your feelings affecting the quality of your life? Is that what actually occurs... or is it more about perception? Do other people's behaviour actually force us to feel in a particular way? No! we choose! Stand up now and shout to the roof tops...We choose our feelings and we choose how to manifest our life. We make the decision about how to internalise the behaviour of others...We choose whether to make other people's story our story. We do not have to be the end result of other people's frustrations. Lets not be the boat on top of the stormy ocean being buffeted around. Let anchor ourselves at port and stand firm in the reality that we create our own mind set. How do you choose to feel?