Being Well With Lauren

Episode 26 Being well with Lauren



Episode 26 of the great apple pie stop procrastinating challenge Fighting procrastination is never just about putting away the coffee cup of life. Simple acts are always about larger more profound beliefs.  It is about having the guts to look into the mirror and see who we really are. Procrastination is about fear of is about facing the fears head on..this is a confronting process and it is sometimes just plain hard...but that is ok.... procrastination is also about being positive in the process. ..Having love in the process...It’s about looking at life head on...with perspective..but also with kindness If you want to change simple behaviours we need to keep front of mind that procrastination is about avoiding doing the real meaty stuff that you should be doing that we should be doing to be the best me that we could is never simply about not putting away the coffee is about the symbolism behind the coffee cups..what is the symbolism behind your coffee cups? So Homework... 1. Keep