Geek Pub Songs With Marc Gunn

Nerdy Noel & Dancing With Hobbits #276



Imagine a holiday market for nerds and geeks. I talk with one of the creators of Nerdy Noel and share my own Nerdy Wonderland story. Plus, I have a new album on Kickstarter. It’s called Dancing With Hobbits. Find out why you should support this CD and Musical Pin. This is Pub Songs & Stories #276 0:20 - “Celtic Christmas Elf” by Marc Gunn from Celtic Christmas Greetings WELCOME TO PUB SONGS & STORIES I am Marc Gunn. I’m a Sci F’Irish musician and podcaster living in Atlanta, Georgia. I’m at Conjuration this weekend. If you’re new to the show, please subscribe. You can do that or Just send me an email to pubsong@celtfather. You can subscribe and download all of my songs in this show. It’s quick and easy. While you’re emailing me to get your free EP, let me know you’re favorite Sci F’ Irish song. 3:13 - WHAT’S NEW Broadsheets Video stories 6:33 - UPCOMING SHOWS Weds; Coffee with The Celtfather @ 11:30 AM EST on Patreon NOV 16: Bandcamp Internet Concert @ 7:30 PM NOV 17-19: Conjuration, S