Geek Pub Songs With Marc Gunn

Green Grow the Rashes | Robert Burns



Was Robert Burns a Vulcan? Learn more about one of the most-famous songs by the great Scottish poet, Robert Burns. Get ready for the pub that’s not really a pub. Catch a bus at a Buzz Stop. It might help beautify your neighborhood and fight climate change. 0:20 - “Ride On” from Flower of Scotland by Kilted Kings 4:40 - WELCOME TO ATLANTA PUB SONGS & STORIES I am Marc Gunn. This is the audio liner notes for the songs I record and play and for the stories I gather and the people I meet in the city of Atlanta. It’s also the audio edition of my newsletter. You can subscribe at, you’ll get the written version of this podcast, along with quick access links to many of the stories listed I’m telling you about. 5:10 - WHAT’S NEW? Interviewed Heather Dale at GaFilk Check out the Folk on Foot podcast Kilts, Celts and Rock’n’Roll on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast 2022 Year in Review Atlanta Irish & Celtic Music Free Irish Music Published my Daily Journal from Celtic Invasion of Loch Lomond, S