Geek Pub Songs With Marc Gunn

Celtic Heroes & Musical Legends #178



Inspiration is a funny friend. It finds you and guides you. It takes you to strange and wonderful places. It introduces you to heroes. I started playing Celtic music in 1999... by accident. I had three "Celtic" songs in my song repertoire: "The Scotsman", "Irish Ballad" by Tom Lehrer, and an original Enya-esque song with nonsensical lyrics called "Lounging in La La Land". I was practicing on the South Mall at the University of Texas at Austin when red-haired gentleman asked if I'd like to perform at a Renaissance festival. As a Dungeons & Dragons nerd, I was so excited I asked my friend Andrew McKee to start a band with me. Soon the Brobdingnagian Bards found new Celtic music heroes and inspiration. For me, it was The Wolfe Tones, Christy Moore, The Irish Balladeers, and some random cassette that was called Irish Drinking Songs. That was my introduction to Celtic music. Those were my first Celtic music heroes. Later, I added Ed Miller, Serious Kitchen (featuring Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer), Dougie MacLea