Geek Pub Songs With Marc Gunn

Celtic Music Goals for 2008 #29



Time to start planning for my world-conquering goals of 2008. Songs: "I Saved the Planet Earth" by Marc Gunn from What Color Is Your Dragon? "A Drop of Nelson's Blood" by Captain Black Jack Murphy from Pogue Mahone Means Kiss My Arse Notes: Goals for 2008 MarcSongs Podcast Irish and Celtic Music Podcast Renaissance Festival Podcast The Fump Dr. Demento Thing-A-Week Podcast Productivity working from home A Tribute to Love Buy Me a Pint! Find out more about Marc Gunn on his website, Myspace, SoundClick, Demand a Show on Eventful, Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, Livejournal, Sonicbids, and DeviantArt. And if you'd like a CD...