Yoga | Birth | Babies

Birth Story: A Beautiful Birth and a Challenging Postpartum with Courtney Vasserman



Today we have a beautiful community birth story from Prenatal Yoga Center graduate, Courtney Vasserman! I personally loved this story and think it will be inspiring, relatable, and encouraging for our community to listen to. Courtney takes us through how she prepared for birth, including the methodology and tools she found incredibly impactful from classes at PYC, along with the coping skills she used and how those varied from early labor, to active labor, to transition. This story is absolutely beautiful, as Courtney speaks on the empowerment and trust she found in her body, yet honest in the sense that she doesn’t shy away from describing her postpartum challenges- pelvic floor issues, breastfeeding struggles, and feelings of isolation. I appreciate how she opens the curtain to what a lot of people experience, and offers affirmation to those who need know they aren’t alone and will get through it. Sharing her birth story today on Yoga | Birth | Babies, Prenatal Yoga Center graduate Courtney Vasserman grew