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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 7 | Spiritual Gifts



In the seventh episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane emphasizes the importance of Christian maturity and urges believers to grow into the likeness of Christ in every aspect of their lives. Spiritual maturity is not only about obtaining salvation and securing a place in heaven but also about living out heavenly principles here on earth. This means demonstrating behaviors that align with being citizens of heaven rather than reflecting our old, sinful natures.In 1 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul speaks about putting away childish things when becoming a man. This metaphor describes the journey from spiritual childhood to adulthood, highlighting that maturity involves more than aging or having spiritual gifts. Possessing spiritual gifts does not necessarily equate to maturity, as gifts can be misused if character and love do not accompany them.The true measure of spiritual maturity is characterized by love and the correct use of God's gifts. It's possible for believers to operate in gifts of the Spirit a