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TSDS 347 The Changing of the Guard: Time for the Young Stars to Rise



This is a must-listen for all basketball fans! In this episode, the hosts discuss the current NBA playoffs and share their candid opinions on the performance of various teams and players. From calling out the older players to praising the young stars making their mark, this episode is filled with passionate and unfiltered commentary. Get ready to hear about the surprises, disappointments, and bold predictions for the upcoming games. Tune in to hear the hosts' take on the playoffs and why they believe it's time for the old guard to make way for the new generation of basketball talent. Don't miss out on the lively and engaging discussions in this episode! [00:00:57] Attention spans and time perception. [00:07:17] Food fusion brainstorming ideas. [00:08:55] The Lumpia Love Cool Jam. [00:14:21] Embracing failure for growth. [00:18:07] MVP getting beat on home court. [00:24:52] Leading by example in basketball. [00:29:35] The challenge of repeating championships. [00:31:35] Trash-talking in basketball