Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Ashley Company, Empowering Diversity and Connection through Intentional Travel Experiences, Episode 345



Today, we’re joined by a truly inspiring guest, Ashley Company, a visionary entrepreneur who turned her passion for travel and cultural connection into a transformative career. Ashley made a bold leap from a corporate position at a Fortune 50 company to master a foreign language and explore the globe, visiting over 100 countries. Discover how travel has shaped Ashley into the woman she is today, explore her commitment to fostering cultural understanding, and discuss what it means to travel intentionally, embedding oneself deeply within the cultures of the countries she visits. In This Episode: Discover how Ashley Company turned her passion for travel into a successful business, inspired by her transformative international experiences and solo journeys, leading her to leave a corporate career and launch her travel company. Explore how international and solo travel, coupled with immersing in diverse cultures, fosters empathy, enhances adaptability, and drives personal growth, transforming travelers into