Ptm Radio



Subscriber-only episodeSend us a Text Message.Who truly is the "faithful and wise servant" spoken of in Matthew 24:45? This episode takes you deep into the heart of this biblical mystery, challenging every listener to consider the hallmarks of a true spiritual leader. As we unravel the scriptures, we touch upon the contentious claims of modern-day prophets and the role of stewardship in the Christian faith. The discussion is not just academic but a poignant call to action for ministers of the gospel to rise to the occasion of providing spiritual nourishment. Our journey through this topic is both enlightening and sobering. We address the controversies stirred by leaders and the expectations set forth for those at the helm of spiritual guidance. No stone is left unturned as we dissect the end times and the significance of being ready for the coming of the Son of Man. Listeners are invited to reflect upon the collective responsibility of the faithful to serve and to contemplate the profound implicatio