Film Pulse

Episode 31- V/H/S and Lawless



This week we review two films- the horror anthology currently on VOD V/H/S, and the John Hillcoat directed Lawless. We talk about some films we watched this week including: Premium Rush, The Proposition, Grabbers, the Jaws Blu Ray, Howl's Moving Castle, and Super 8  We highlight some Amazon Blu Ray deals- The Prestige- $7.99, 500 Days of Summer- $7.99, and Say Anything- $7.99 We also bump an excellent book titled Trust me I'm Lying, by Ryan Holiday which you can get for free from Audible by clicking here. Finally we go over this week's film predictions and DVD and Blu Ray releases. We want to hear your suggestions and feedback! Send us an e-mail at or leave us a message on our voicemail line at (850) 391-6071 and we'll feature your comments on the show!