Medical Medium Podcast

056 Adrenal Fatigue: What's Killing Our Adrenals



Today’s care for adrenals in the realm of alternative and conventional medicine is similar to being on a boat in the ocean, but there’s a hole in the bottom of the boat and all you have is a little bucket to scoop out the water that’s coming in, and in order to stay afloat you have no choice but to keep scooping the water out or you will drown. Any recommendations that are potentially helpful for someone’s adrenal fatigue or adrenal issues is quickly voided out by the lifestyle the person has. It’s the same lifestyle taught to them from earlier on in life, or even recent, trendy, selfcare lifestyle hacks that are also unhelpful to the adrenals and even threatening. What practices are you doing for your adrenals? Chances are some of those practices aren’t supportive to the adrenals and could even be doing the opposite, including harming the adrenals. We take for granted our adrenals. Our everyday existence hinges upon how strong our adrenals really are. Every move we make and every chore we do relies on adren