Synchronicity With Noah Lampert

Imagination Q&A #4



Your imagination questions answered, part four. 1. Should I go over the scene more than once each time? Or any others I should be trying as well? 2. Can you discuss the relationship between Imagining what you want and the Buddhist belief of not desiring anything? 3. I can't figure out how to change my beliefs. Mine are all wrong and manifesting a lifetime of suffering and I don't know how to completely change my beliefs. Help! 4. Is it wrong to use imaginal techniques to envision someone forgiving you? and maybe loving you? Its hard for me to get past that feeling immoral. Like i'm casting a spell or something. 5. What about revision techniques? I have been trying to use them to imagine a situation where I can forgive myself. Which is really hard to do without it feeling immoral when i've done something thats hurt someone. Especially something so horrible. It feels like alarm bells go of telling me how shitty I am when I try. I feel like i've accomplished the feeling from revising the situation but then when