Synchronicity With Noah Lampert

Seeking Subtle Truths + The Five Daughters



Finding the obvious is, well, pretty easy. But what if you’re looking for hidden truths? Meanings and insights that lay just beneath the surface? Take the Bible for instance. Whether you love it or hate, most people read the Bible literally. It’s either holy scripture that must be followed to the letter or it’s a book written by men to enslave the general population. But those takes are rooted in literal or obvious interpretation. What if we want to go deeper? What if rather than a historical account or a setting down of literal laws the Old and New Testament were poetic allegories for states of consciousness we move through as individuals? That’s what I’m talking about when I say we should be seeking the subtle truths. This doesn’t just apply to The Bible. It applies to literally everything. There’s always the overt meaning of a situation, relationship, thing but there’s also always the hidden or subtle meaning. This episode is about how we go exploring to find the subtle truths hidden within and without. I