Straight A Nursing

#147: Let’s Talk SBAR in Nursing



If there’s one thing that gets nursing students and new nurses REALLY nervous (like voice shaking, sweat-on-the-forehead nervous), it’s calling the MD with a concern about your patient. You might be thinking, “What if I don’t know what to say?” or “What if they ask me a question I don't know the answer to?” or even “What if they yell at me, tell me to stop wasting their time, and hang up on me?”  Don’t worry, my friends! As usual, I have got your back :-) In this episode, we’ll be talking all about SBAR, a concise communication format used extensively in the clinical setting.  First, we’ll go over SBAR...what do all those letters represent? I’ll give you my best tips for what to do BEFORE you use SBAR And, we’ll see how it works in action with some SBAR scenarios Want to see how to use SBAR to give end-of-shift report? Read about it here: Or listen to the Episode 7 here (or wherever you tune in to podcasts from): https://www.stra