Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again

Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again 12th September 2021



Ass 'Traa dy Liooar' fastyr beg Jelune, ta meer elley ain ass Pargys Caillit, 'sy recortys jeant ec Juan y Geill. Fastyr beg Jerdein, she Fiona McArdle ta chebbal 'Shiaght Laa', agh ta shin clashtyn coraa Brian Mac Stoyll neesht. Tooilley feyshtyn er-nyn-son ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney' fastyr Jeheiney, lesh Jamys Kinry cur questionyn mychione Miallyn ard-ghooagh, Germanee ard-ghooagh, as mychione arrane ennoil. Lurg lessoon liorish Phil Gawne ta cur-lesh shin gys y gharey reesht, ta shin clashtyn arrane dy ynsaghey paitchyn Mooinjer Veggey y phoneme / j /, as eisht ta Phil cur kiare enmyn dooin, as daa jeu ayns rieughid er Rheynnyn y Reiltys as daa enmyn elley. Va ny meeryn shoh ry chlashtyn ayns 'Goll as Gaccan' fastyr Jedoonee. Fastyr beg Jedoonee ayns 'Claare ny Gael' ta meer elley as yn skeeal, Y Gheay ayns ny Shellee. From 'Traa dy Liooar on Monday evening, we have another piece from Pargys Caillit, in the recording made by Jack Gell. On Thursday evening, it'