Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again

Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again 11th July 2021



Ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney', ta Jamys Kinry cur nuy feyshtyn orrin, bentyn rish three cooishyn t'eh er reih y cheayrt shoh : yn Chapaan; Fynnoddereeyn; as Lughee.  Ta shin clashtyn drane elley jeant ec Phil Gawne as Annie Kissack dy ynsaghey y phoneme /r/ 'sy Ghaelg da paitchyn. Chammah's shen ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', ta Phil Gawne loayrt mychione shappal. Ta shin clashtyn dy row Neddy Beg Hom Ruy screeu sheese e chooinaghtyn as skeealyn cheayll eh woish sleih elley choud's v'eh er boayrd baatey eeastee va ny lhie ayns Crookhaven, as dy vel ooilley ny reddyn shoh jannoo seose screeuyn. Ta ny meeryn shoh ry chlashtyn ayns 'Claare ny Gael'. In 'Jamys Jeheiney', James Harrison puts nine questions to us, associated with three topics he's chosen this time : Japan; Fynnodderees; and Mice. We hear another rhyme performed by Phil Gawne and Annie Kissack to teach the phoneme /r/ in the Manx language to children. As well as that in 'Goll as Gaccan', Phil