Mind Matters

Autism + ADHD = AuDHD



There’s a new term circulating in the neurodiversity community, AuDHD. Today, Emily Kircher-Morris is talking with Mattia Maurée, a neurodivergent individual with both ADHD and autism. They talk about how the two diagnoses blend together, one side desiring routine and sameness, while the other seeks novelty and change. They also discuss the challenges of receiving accurate diagnoses, the impact of stigma on neurodivergent individuals, how career pathways are affected, Mattia’s personal experiences of being misunderstood and judged, and the importance of community. The conversation covers many other subjects as well, and it’s all part of episode 226. Takeaways ADHD and autism can coexist in individuals, with one part of them desiring routine and sameness while the other seeks novelty and change. Receiving accurate diagnoses for neurodivergent individuals can be challenging, as the symptoms of different conditions can overlap and mask each other. Stigma and misunderstandings surrounding neurodivergent ind