Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

What Is BORG Drinking



5/29/24 - Doug Stephan and Jai Kershner get together to discuss the news topics of the week. After 7 year spent in prison and wanting to turn his pain into something positive, a man and his wife go to music festivals to discuss overdosing and how to help people protect their loved ones from an overdose. A discussion on human trafficking, a son's heroic actions saving his dad when a car they're working on explodes, an Air Force pilot dies after his aircraft ejection seat goes off while still on the ground, and fun facts about DaVinci's Mona Lisa painting. Plus, the International Criminal Court put our an arrest warrent for the Israeli Prime Minister and 3 Hamas leaders, how a reverse dictionary can be a beneficial tool, and BORG drinking. We discuss that, too. Other conversations include the importance of meditation, the latest on the Baltimore bridge container collision, Pope Francis's thoughts on surrogacy, and how one woman learned someone made a deepfake porn of her after declining him for a date and how s