Medical Medium Podcast

057 Avoid Certain Foods? Or Eat What You Want



There’s avoiding certain foods and then there’s avoiding certain foods because you know the true cause and reason as to why you need to avoid those certain foods—and knowing the true cause is critical. Foods don’t just magically cause inflammation. If that were the case, then everyone eating foods suspected as inflammatory would get inflamed when eating them. But everyone is different, and one of the reasons everyone is different is because the true cause that resides internally inside their body may be different in some way from the next person, and that is the true determiner of why they get inflamed, which leads to an autoimmune diagnosis or other illness or condition diagnoses. All you see and hear out there in the health space is DON’T EAT THIS! DON’T EAT THAT! It’s nothing but shock and awe all day long out there in order to lead people into the shock box of fear enough to make them click that link. The goal is to rope everyone in using food fear because let’s face it, everyone eats and needs to eat to