Xayli Barclay

Using AI for Video Content with Austin Armstrong



In this episode, we're connecting with Austin Armstrong! As the CEO of Socialty Pro and Syllaby, Austin has transformed his deep-rooted passion for digital media into dynamic platforms for marketing innovations. Known for his strategic and engaging approach, Austin teaches businesses how to harness the power of video marketing to amplify their digital presence. Join us as Austin shares insights from his journey from pioneering MySpace marketing to becoming a TikTok sensation and leveraging his success across all social media platforms. What We Talk About: Austin emphasizes the significance of both positive and negative engagement on social media, detailing how he uses this to boost valuable content. He reflects on his journey as a marketer and the key lessons learned from posting over 3,000 videos on TikTok. Austin reveals the innovative features of Syllaby, his new marketing software that automates social media video marketing, making it accessible for business owners. Discover how Austin turn