Real Estate Success Mastery Tv (audio) - Real Estate Coaching & Training With Chadi Bazzi

34: The Perfect Real Estate Success Schedule


Sinopse One question I get asked a lot is this. What is the perfect schedule for me to follow for me reach my goals? In this episode of Real Estate Success Mastery I will share with you the 7 most important things that have to be a part of your everyday schedule. I even put them in the right order of importance for you. 1. Mindset. 2. Energy. 3. Skills. 4. Lead Generation. 5. Lead Follow Up. 6. Appointments. 7. Negotiations. I go into perfect detail on each and every one of this points to help you get more out of work day. And, for more interviews with top real estate agents, tips, and strategies to take your business to the next level, go to!   If you loved today’s episode, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review on iTunes! Thanks so much for subscribing to the Real Estate Success TV podcast!   Episode Resources: Register: Live Real Estate Sales Mastery Webinar Subscribe to Real Estate Success Mastery T.V. Podcast Ask Chadi a Question