
Sinopse Do you think that you are always focused on the right things? Are you being the person you need to be get things done? In this episode you will learn how to control your focus and start to focus on the things you should be focused on. Chadi shares the essential questions you need to ask yourself to become better at focusing on the right things. Questions: 1. “Who do i need to be right now, to be the kind of person who can...?” 2. "Is what I am doing right now moving me towards my dreams and goals?” 3. “If I were paying someone other than myself to do my job what would I expect that person to be doing right now?” And, for more interviews with top real estate agents, tips, and strategies to take your business to the next level, go to!   If you loved today’s episode, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review on iTunes! Thanks so much for subscribing to the Real Estate Success TV podcast!   Episode Resources: Register: Live Real Estate Sales Mastery