Human Resources For Small Business

Mental Strength: The Leadership Superpower of Our Time



In the latest episode of Transform Your Workplace, expert Scott Mautz reveals the secret to exceptional leadership: mental strength. Mautz, an award-winning, best-selling author and dynamic speaker, discusses how regulating emotions, thoughts, and behaviors can transform leaders from ordinary to extraordinary. Tune in to learn about the six core mental muscles and hear practical insights from Mautz’s book, The Mentally Strong Leader. It’s time to harness this leadership superpower to elevate your workplace and inspire your team.   TAKEAWAYS Mental strength involves the ability to regulate emotions, thoughts, and behaviors to maintain productivity, even in challenging situations.  Exceptional leaders develop six core mental muscles — fortitude, confidence, boldness, decision-making, goal-focus, and positive messaging — which help them navigate adversity and achieve success. Developing mental strength requires forming consistent habits, ultimately enhancing overall resilience and performance. Leaders sh