Creative Thursday

Artist Success Stories - Transforming Self-Doubt and Fear into Turning Points with Lisa Kurt, Jessica Tepora, Dionna Vereen



Welcome to another edition of Artist Success Stories! In this episode I'm joined by three of our Artful Selling Alumni; Lisa Kurt, Jessica Tepora, and Dionna Vereen sharing how they transformed self doubt and feeling scared into turning points in their creative business fear may be a clue to what's actually calling you making what you love affects your sales following your dream impacts the people in your life, especially your children it's never too late to come back to your dream developing your muscle for planning also develops so many invaluable life skills making Art helped heal during tragedy practicing 2 specific qualites can make all the difference in how you sell your Art     Doors to Artful Selling are OPEN for a special summer session starting now through Wednesday, May 29 @ 11:59 pm PDT Join us!