Cedar Hills Community Church - Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Songs of Abundance Forgiveness: Songs of Safety



Songs of Abundant Forgiveness: Songs of SafetyPastor Kent Landhuis THEME - God is safe. Church should be safe too.TEXT - Psalm 321. God is our hiding place.  * Psalm 32:6-7 * The rising waters will not harm us. * Troubles will not find us. * Songs of deliverance surround us.2. Forgiveness is a blessing. * Psalm 32:1-5 * Zephaniah 3:17 * Isaiah 43:1-3 * John 3:16-17 3. Safety is for everyone. * Psalm 32:8-11 * Teach everyone about the safe place of refuge in God. * Live in ways that enhance safe places for everyone.NEXT STEPS: 1. Enter. Am I open to accept everyone?2. See. Am I willing to really see everyone? 3. Touch. Am I ready to pour into someone?ABUNDANT LOVE: A YEAR OF LIVING WITH OPEN HANDSWeek 9 – Freely, FreelyREFLECTIONThere is an old gospel song that says, “Freely, Freely you have received. Freely, Freely give. Go in my name and because you believe, others will know that I live.” We received grace, mercy, compassion and forgiveness - freely. And we are the kind of people who create safe spaces for o