Cedar Hills Community Church - Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Songs of Abundance Forgiveness: Lament - Grief Over Sin



SONGS OF ABUNDANT FORGIVENESS: Lament - Grief Over Sin.Pastor Kent Landhuis  THEME - True confession comes with groaning but it yields rejoicing.  TEXT - Psalm 130 1. Name the grief of sin.a. Seven Penitential Psalms (Psalm 130:1-2)i. Psalm 6ii. Psalm 32iii. Psalm 38iv. Psalm 51v. Psalm 102vi. Psalm 130vii. Psalm 143b.  King David’s sin - 2 Samuel 11 2. Admit the score.· Psalm 130:3· 2 Samuel 12· Psalm 51:3-5 3. Receive full restoration. · Psalm 130:4-7· Isaiah 35 NEXT STEPS: Face the true nature of your sin. Lament the consequences of your sin.Seek, receive, and celebrate full redemption in Jesus.What is a Abundant Love? https://cedarhillscr.org/abundant-love/