Cedar Hills Community Church - Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Abundance: God's Abundance in Creation



ABUNDANCE: God’s Abundance in CreationPastor Steve PooleTEXT: Genesis 1:1-31, 2:1-3“And God saw that it was good.”GENESIS 11. God finds pleasure in His created world.2. God is glorified when we enjoy His creation. (Genesis 1:27-28)3. God created you on purpose for a purpose. (Psalms 8:1,3; 19:1-2, Romans 1:19-20)4. Creation testifies to the greatness of God.NEXT STEPS1. Spend some time this week experiencing God’s love by admiring the abundant beauty of His creation.2. Find deeper confidence, purpose and meaning in the wonderful truth of Genesis 1:27-28 - “in the image of God”.3. Reflect on the question, “How can I help others experience the abundance of God this week?”------------------------------------------------------ABUNDANT LOVE: A Year of Living with Open HandsWEEK 2: God owns everything.REFLECTIONAs creator of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them, Godholds the rights to all of it. And if God owns the rights to everything -that includes us. Even when we had become slaves to sin, Godredeem