Cedar Hills Community Church - Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Rooted: Serve Others



ROOTED: Serve OthersPastor Kent Landhuis THEME - “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”~ John 15:12TEXT - Mark 10:35-45Whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. Mark 10:441. Servants surrender.Mark 10:43-45Romans 12:102. Servants embrace humility.Philippians 2:1-11Galatians 5:133. Servants show compassion.Mark 6:34Acts 2:44-454. Servants remain patient. 2 Peter 3:9Matthew 5:16NEXT STEPS: Accept Jesus. (Let Jesus serve you!)Celebrate God’s Love. (See how much God serves you!)Serve Someone. (Love out of the overflow of God’s love!)THE 7 ROOTED RHYTHMSDAILY DEVOTION (Acts 2:42, 46) Scripture is the very Word of God. Through it, He equips us with all we need to learn about Him and live a life pleasing to Him.PRAYER (Acts 2:42) One of the most important elements in any relationship is communication. Prayer is just that: engaging God in a conversation, sharing our hearts with Him, and spending time listening to His voice, both individually and in community.REPENTANCE (Acts 2:37-39) With th