Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 498: How Does Rabbi Shimeon Bar Yochai Help Us Deal with Our Present Challenges?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:MyLife 500 campaign  What does Lag B’Omer teach us today?  How does Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai help us deal with our challenges?  Why is this day so special?  What is the source that Lag B’Omer is the day of Rashbi’s Hilula?  Why can we listen to music and make weddings on Lag B’Omer?  Did the Rebbe suggest that we visit the Ohel on this day?  Is there an alternative for someone who can’t go to the Ohel?  Why don’t we celebrate with a parade on other special days of the year?  Why is there a custom to light bonfires on Lag B’Omer?  How could the students of Rabbi Akiva defy their teacher’s cardinal rule about loving another?  Why did the students of Rabbi Akiva die in an epidemic – does not respecting another warrant the death penalty?  Why do we say Lag B’Omer, but don’t say Tu B’Av?  Should we be relying on the segulos associated with Lag B’Omer?  Segulos don't seem to work for me. What should I do differently?  What can we learn fr