Ptm Radio



Subscriber-only episodeSend us a Text Message.Who are the enigmatic saints of Revelation 7, cloaked in white and holding palms? This episode promises to unravel the mystery surrounding this great multitude before the throne of God and the Lamb. We tackle the symbolism of their white robes, the palms they hold, and what it truly means to come out of great tribulation. Join us as we dissect the identities of these figures, their actions of worship, and the profound implications of their presence in the heavenly realm. Are they the bride of Christ or the 'foolish virgins'? Prepare for a revelation that might just redefine your understanding of the end times.As we venture further, we contrast the multitude with the bride of Christ, examining their roles and destinies as depicted in the Book of Revelation. The conversation is enriched with a comparative analysis of the radiant bride adorned in fine linen against the throng standing before the throne. We scrutinize the scriptural promises to those who ove