Starseed Radio Academy

Mary Magdalene Pilgrimages



Ariana is a heart-centered mentor, pilgrimage facilitator and spiritual coach who is deeply dedicated to inspiring others to listen to the whispers of their heart and step more fully into what is calling.  Her mission is to be a catalyst for shifting the paradigms and beliefs that keep people from living the life of their dreams – especially during the last season of their life.  At 60, after a series of events beginning with the death of her husband, followed by the loss of her savings and home, she rolled with the punches and set out on a 100 day pilgrimage journey including walking the 800 km Camino de Santiago. Following that pilgrimage, Ariana found herself challenged to the core as she was guided to shift from predominantly left brain careers to mentoring and leading spiritual pilgrimages. In 2017 she was redirected again with a call from the Magdalene energy to shift her pilgrimages to have more focus on a return to a world where the Divine Sophia energy of the Great Mother is revered as it was in man