Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast

Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast, Episode 289: That Place Doesn't Exist



"Tempter" by Stereolab from Little Pieces of Stereolab (A Switched On Sampler); "Inverted Vertigo" by Heith from The Liars Tell; "New World" by Swanox from Rhodyrunner; "Tai" by Gnoomes from Uletai; "Bitterroot Valley Suite III: Wind" by Jim White and Marisa Anderson from Swallowtail "19-14" by Esmerine from Lost Voices; The "NPC" single by Tanukichan; "Northernland Lady" by Heldon from Electronic Guerilla; "Nice Town (Metronomy Remix)" by Metronomy x Pan Amsterdam from the Nice Town single; "Kiteki (Colloid Version)" by Satoimagae from Colloid; "Where the Bough in Broken" by Hilary Woods from Acts of Light