Alpha And Omega Ministries International "audio Messages"

The Dangers of Presumption (Cyprus)



To assume that one’s walk and relationship with the Lord is in good standing or that we no longer need to repent of anything, is the highest form of deception. On the morning of the 27th day of April the word of the Lord came to me saying write these words down on paper and proclaim them to my people. One of the deadliest and most dangerous deceptions in the Church today is when we go down a path of compromise giving in to our flesh thinking that because we are under grace we will escape Gods judgment on our ungodly behaviour. When we lose the sense of awe and reverence towards the word of God treating it as something common we go down a path of deception. When we view Gods commands as suggestions and not as commandments choosing which to obey and which to disregard we open up ourselves to all kinds of compromise.